The Smartlipo Advantage

SmartLipo is a full body procedure that Dr. DeRosa specializes in.  She prefers to use the advanced technique utilizing SmartLipo, laser assisted liposuction.

This innovative, new form of energy-assisted liposuction uses a minimally invasive technique that precisely reshapes your body in one treatment, getting rid of unwanted belly fat, love handles, muffin tops, and even jowls. SmartLipo uses a LASER probe, in combination with liposuction, to remove stubborn fat cells from practically any part of the body, including your arms, abdomen, thighs, back, and neck. Dr. DeRosa performs this treatment most often for smaller areas in her office under local anesthesia and sedation; general anesthesia is usually not needed.

SmartLipo uses a multiplexed wavelength LASER that produces excellent fat disruption, tissue tightening, and sculpting by coagulation. It also stimulates natural collagen production to tighten and firm your skin for a smoother appearance than traditional liposuction.

Am I a good candidate for SmartLipo?

Dr. DeRosa will evaluate your medical history, current health and your aesthetic goals and expectations. If you are at a healthy, stable weight and have realistic expectations of SmartLipo procedure, you may be an excellent candidate. Here are some common reasons patients consider SmartLipo as their body contouring solution:

  • You are physically fit at a stable and healthy weight but are unable to address persistent areas of localized subcutaneous fat deposits.
  • You don’t have a lot of excess skin and your skin elasticity is reasonably good.
  • You lead a very active lifestyle and want minimal downtime from any body contouring procedures.

Any form of liposuction should not be thought of as a weight loss solution, but rather as a body contouring (sculpting) procedure. SmartLipo will not remove significantly lax skin. Dr. DeRosa may recommend other procedures or a different surgery, such as an abdominoplasty, to address those concerns.

Before Your Procedure

You will have a private consultation with Dr. DeRosa before your procedure to address your cosmetic goals and determine if SmartLipo is the right treatment for you. She will evaluate your areas of concern and recommend a treatment plan to best achieve your desired, realistic results.

To prepare for SmartLipo, it is important to be in general good health. It’s necessary you quit smoking for at least six weeks before and after surgery since healing complications are much more likely in smokers. Also, avoid taking anti-inflammatory medications because it can lead to increased bleeding during surgery.

From simple improvements in problem areas to major full-body transformations, in Dr. DeRosa’s hands can help you look your absolute best!

Are you frustrated with areas of fat around your waist, thighs or hips that just won’t go away with diet and exercise?

Take the first step to reshaping your look with Smartlipo Triplex. Smartlipo allows you to remove the fat you don’t want with minimal downtime*. Smartlipo delivers energy underneath the skin**, so not only do you melt fat, but also tighten skin to achieve the shape you desire.


How does it work?

Smartlipo is designed exclusively to perform laser-assisted lipolysis, commonly referred to as laser liposuction. The laser literally melts fat, which is removed with gentle suction. At the same time, tissue coagulates through laser energy that is delivered, contributing to an overall smoother shape.*


What results can I expect?

For most people, results are achieved in just one treatment. Results can be seen within a week, with continued improvement over 3–6 months.

Treatment plans can be adjusted to fit everyone’s lifestyle – speak to your provider regarding desired downtime, comfort, and results.*

Contact our office to learn more and schedule a consultation with Dr. DeRosa.

*Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed.

**Through coagulation of soft tissue.
